An Expert Interview About Google Advanced Searching Tricks-Used by Hackers

Bookmarks for Extreme Googling 

Google Basic Web Search

   THE page to start from and for most web page searching. 

Google Advanced Web Search

 Useful to change the language of results pages, select from a list of filetype formats, or change content filtering for a single search. It's better to learn to use commands from Basic Search, because Advanced Search offers fewer options.

Google Directory

 Open Directory Project's 1.5 million selected sites, enhanced by Google ranking. 

Second-Party Google Tools & Info Useful with Google

GAPS – Google NEAR Search (uses Web API)

 Can search up to three words in proximity by executing searches using Google's * as whole-word wildcard. 
NOTE: If you have joined Google and have an API key, enter it when you search in order to spare the key of the providers of this wonderful application. 

Pageinfo Better Than Google's: 

 Enter a URL in the search box. Receive traffic ranking, links to the page, related pages, contact information, and access to page history by clicking on the link to the WaybackMachine Internet Archive. 
Google Family....

The Google Family of Databases

Google Groups

 Usenet Newsgroups since 1981 on many topics. Advanced Groups Search allows limiting by group, author, subject field, message ID, date, and filtering. Google Account (free) required to participate in groups. 

Google Images

 Over 800 million images. Advanced Image Search allows limiting by filetype, size, colors, site or domain; and changing filtering. 

Google Local

 Search web pages and yellow pages, specifying both a locality and item or topic to search for.
 Results match words and offer helpful subdivisions within results. Can limit to 1, 5, 15, a 45-mile radius. 

Google Shopping: Froogle

Froogle offers thousands of merchant-supplied catalogs and web pages mostly keyed to websites. Froogle Advanced Search allows limiting by price range, category, where words occur in entries, and filtering; also change display by store and layout. 

Google Print

Scanned, often searchable full text of books and some articles. Use Google basic web search box ( and include in your search the word "books" or limit to 
Google Tools 

Google Tools and Features 

Google Toolbar Download 

For browsers other than IE and for Macs:

Google Preferences 

Google Filetypes


Google Language Tools (including Translation) 


Google Features (Shortcuts) Described

 Google University Searches

 Limits searches to university's site. List of universities provided.

 Google Labs

 Upcoming and emerging Google technologies. 

Other Search Engines and Their Shortcuts 

Yahoo! Search - 

Yahoo! Shortcuts List - 

Yahoo! Education and Reference Collections - 

Teoma Search -

 Ask Jeeves Smart Search Tools - 
